How to Choose the Particle Size of the Grinding Wheel?

How to Choose the Particle Size of the Grinding Wheel?

Abrasive particle size selection mainly considers the grinding efficiency and workpiece surface roughness requirements.  Generally, you can choose according to the following points.  

① When the workpiece machining accuracy is high, the surface roughness value is low, should choose the abrasive tool with fine grain size.  The smaller the abrasive is, the more abrasive is involved in the cutting, the smaller the residual abrasive cutting traces on the workpiece surface and the lower the surface roughness.  However, the choice of abrasive size must also be considered in conjunction with the grinding conditions used.  Coarser grain sizes can also be used to obtain lower workpiece surface roughness values if the grinding quantity chosen is small and the wheel is finely trimmed.  

When the grinding tool and workpiece surface contact area is relatively large, or the grinding depth is relatively large, should choose coarse abrasive.  Coarse abrasives have less friction with the workpiece surface and generate less heat.  Therefore, when the grinding wheel face is used for plane grinding, the abrasive particle size selected can be coarser than when the grinding wheel periphery is used for plane grinding.  
Usually.  Surface grinding wheel 36#~46#, the workpiece surface roughness value can reach 0.8~0.4μm.  The surface roughness Ra of workpiece can reach 0.4μm~0.2μm by increasing grinding speed VS and decreasing grinding depth AP.  In the process of fine grinding, abrasive particles of 150#~240# are used for grinding, and the workpiece surface roughness Ra can be achieved or lower.  For mirror grinding, W10~W7 graphite wheel with fine powder resin bond was selected.  
③ The processing allowance and grinding depth of coarse grinding are larger, and the particle size should be coarser than that of fine grinding to improve production efficiency.  
④ When cutting and slotting, coarse grain, loose, high hardness abrasive should be used.  
⑤ Grinding ductile metal and soft metal, such as brass, red copper, soft bronze, etc., abrasive surface is easy to be blocked by chips, should use coarse abrasive.  
⑥ Grinding materials with high hardness, such as hardened steel, alloy steel, etc., should use coarse abrasive.  When grinding hard alloy, due to the poor thermal conductivity of materials, easy to cause burns and cracks.  Therefore, the best choice of coarse abrasive particle size.  Coarse-grained abrasives should be used for grinding of thin-walled and thin-walled workpieces, as they are prone to heat and deformation.  
⑦ For small cutting allowance or grinding tool and workpiece contact surface small workpiece, can use fine abrasive.  Compared with dry grinding, abrasive particle size of wet grinding is finer.  
Rougher abrasives can be used when machining on rigid grinding machines.  
⑨ In forming grinding, it is better to choose abrasive with finer grain size because the shape of grinding wheel working surface is expected to keep better.  
⑩ In high speed grinding, in order to improve the grinding efficiency, the particle size is 1-2 smaller than that of ordinary grinding.  Because fine-grained abrasive particles are sharper, they are easier to cut onto the workpiece.  At the same time, there are more working abrasive particles in unit working area of grinding wheel, and the lining of each abrasive particle is small, so it is not easy to passivation.  In addition, even if a single abrasive particle falls off, the influence on the uneven wear of grinding wheel is not as great as that of coarse grain size, which is beneficial to maintain the smoothness of grinding process.  However, in the process of high speed grinding, the grain size of grinding wheel should not be too fine, otherwise it will deteriorate the chip removal conditions and is not conducive to improving the grinding efficiency.  